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IJssel stones in Voorschoten

At the estate of the historic 'Berbice', we were allowed to deliver a beautiful batch of IJssel stones, see the result here!
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Ijssel Stones in Voorschoten

In early 2023, we were approached by a foundation that manages a wonderful country estate in Voorschoten. They were looking for a specific type of ijssel stones to restore the historic fruit walls. The story is worth reading, and if you are nearby, a visit is even more beautiful! The result of the walls is impressive, a fantastic piece of masonry with incredibly beautiful stones. They have been very specific in selecting colors and shapes, and it shows! Compliments for this amazing piece of cultural restoration through renovation work.

Old masonry stones


Chipped ijssel stones

Wall of ijssel stones Antique masonry stones Buying ijssel stones Old ijssels Stone wall of ijssel stones


Old ijssel stones